Writing prompts month by month
As well as our curated selections of writing prompts, we’ve assembled monthly collections of daily ideas for you to dip in and out of at your leisure. Our original ‘month of daily prompts,’ posted during the deepest, darkest depths of the first U.K. national lockdown of 2020, is our most-viewed and most-requested set of resources ever. At NWP UK, we continue to be amazed and humbled by how far and wide our prompts have gone so far. Each day, they travel further out into the ether and are used beyond our own Writing Teachers’ groups. Here, you will find all monthly collections that have so far appeared on this site alongside an evermore growing collection of favourites. For enquiries, suggestions, or to join one of our groups, please see the links at the bottom of the page. Tag us in your writing via our social channels if the writing prompts have given you inspiration. As ever, our prompts are not a fixed, set-in-stone way of doing things. They are there as a hook, door or carrot to start you on your way.
NOvember writing Prompts
November writing prompts with a memoir theme.
AUGUST Alphabet
This month, use an alphabet list as your inspiration for writing.
March writing prompts
This month, we delve into Jeni Smith’s library to find inspiration for children and adults.
February meditations
december meditations
A month of prompts for the turning of the year.
WInter Words Writing Prompts 2020-21
These specially curated winter prompts will guide you safely through 31 winter days.
Click here to view them all. As ever, they are just a guide to get you going. Choose a day or combine prompts as you feel.
Writing october
Click here for a month of autumnal prompts
Thirty-one more writing prompts to get you going into the new school year, any new term, or whenever you like. Click here for the collection.
Listuary: A Month of lists
One whole month of list prompts to get you going, right here. Keep them in list form or expand your ideas into poetry or prose: what you do with your new words is, as ever, up to you.
A Month of DAily Prompts
Click here to access our first month of daily prompts, originally formed as part of our ‘30 Days of Lockdown Writing’ Collection.