Sharing Contact Details

Any contact details/personal information such as (but not limited to) name, email address, affiliated organisation or workplace, etc, will only be shared by persons directly involved with The National Writing Project (UK).

If shared via email to nwpmembership or the ‘Join a Group’ form, this will will be shared by our dedicated Committee Member responsible for Membership with the leader(s)/convener(s) of a National Writing Project or ‘Writing Teachers’ group as deemed geographically closest to that of the person named as the contact by our membership organiser. Our responsible Committee Member and group convener(s) will only share contact/membership request information further with the consent of the contact providing the information.

If shared via our ‘General Enquires’ form, our Committee Member responsible for Website Management will seek permission from the contact making the enquiry if any information such as (but not limited to) name, email address and affiliated organisation or workplace, etc needs to be shared further in order to address/resolve shared enquiry.


1) If someone emails/fills out the ‘Join a Group’ form enquiring about joining a group in/near Norwich, Norfolk, our dedicated Committee Member responsible for Membership would then email the convener(s) of the UEA/Norwich group with that request. The convener(s) of the UEA/Norwich group would then make direct contact with the details first supplied to NWP (UK) via the email/form in order to give further details about the group and any upcoming meetings, events, etc. This would include virtual events and meetings such as those held on platforms such as Zoom. No contact details would be given to third parties - such as organisers of events - without separate and express permission from the original source.

2) If someone fills out the ‘General Enquiries’ form with an enquiry about the website - such as content, layout, accessibility issues, contributing, etc -, our Committee Member responsible for Website Management will try to solve the enquiry directly without passing on the contact information. The Website Manager may need to contact another Committee Member/author/wider group member/contributor, etc in order to resolve the enquiry but will not pass on any contact information without separate and express permission from the original source.

Please note: all turquoise-coloured weblinks/forms contained on this page open in a separate window. For any enquiries or to help us with the content of this site, please click here.

Copy write National Writing Project. Updated June 2020.