‘Listuary’ Part Five
List Prompts 26-31
26. Don’ts for women riders.
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26. Don’ts for women riders. Write your own – what were the don’ts of your childhood? And since? What don’ts for teachers do you advise? Here are some examples from the list:
Don’t be a fright.
Don’t faint on the road.
Don’t wear a man’s cap.
Don’t cultivate a “bicycle face”.
Don’t “talk bicycle” at the table.
Don’t chew gum. Exercise your jaws in private.
Don’t wear a garden party hat with bloomers.
Don’t allow your dear little Fido to accompany you.
Don’t be up on ‘records” and “record smashing”. That is sporty.
You can find the full list here: https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/01/03/donts-for-women-on-bicycles-1895/
Links to external websites open in a new window.
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27. Reasons why I am glad I… went to university/ became a teacher/ live in … /
28. Mark Twain ‘a little bill of fare’. When Mark Twain travelled Europe in the 1870s, he found nothing to eat that he could describe as nourishing and compiled a list of foods that he longed for and would eat on his return home. It is a long list. Here is the start of it:
Radishes. Baked apples, with cream.
Fried oysters. Stewed oysters. Frogs.
American coffee with real cream.
American butter.
Fried chicken, Southern style.
Porter-house steak.
Saratoga potatoes.
Broiled chicken, American style.
Hot biscuits, Southern style.
American toast. Clear maple syrup.
from Shaun Usher (2014) Lists of Note London: Canongate & Unbound
And so it continues… What foods would be on your list? What do you crave? What have you missed when you have travelled, or do you miss since you have been travelling?
28. Food lists.
29 & 30. Books.
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29. The bookshop. This list is from If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino. The reader is navigating a bookshop to find Calvino’s novel and these are some of the books the reader passes in their search:
The Books You Haven’t Read. The books You Needn’t Read. The Books Made For Purposes Other Than Reading. Books Read Even Before Opening Them Since They Belong To The Category Of Books Read Before Being Written. The Books That If You Had More Than One Life You Would Certainly Also Read But Unfortunately Your Days Are Numbered... The list continues and it is a great list [page ]. You could make a similar list, or you could make your own lists under these categories or…
30. My favourite books.
31. What I would like to know.
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